Filastrocca in inglese per bambini
Ecco una filastrocca in inglese per bambini dell’infanzia su cui esercitarsi per imparare l’alfabeto!
Stampala e canta con i tuoi bambini!!
The Alphabet song
A, B, C, D (a, b, c, d)
E, F, G (e, f, g)
Everybody sing the alphabet with me!
H, I, J, K (h, i, j, k)
L, M, N (l, m, n)
You know it sounds so nice, we’re gonna sing it twice, then maybe once again!
O, P, Q (o, p, q)
R, S, T (r, s, t)
U, V (u, v)
W, X, Y, Z!
A is for apple that hangs on a tree
B is for bread that we have for our tea
C is for cup from which I drink
D is for doll whose cheeks are pink
E is for elephant all wrinkled and grey
F is for flowers that blossom in May
G is for garage where we keep the car
H is for honey which comes in a jar
I is for ice cream, cold and sweet
J is for jelly, our favourite treat
K is for kite which flies in the sky
L is for lorry piled up high
M is for milk, all creamy and white
N is for the note I’m going to write
O is for orange, round like a ball
P is for the picture we hang on the wall
Q is for the queen who wears a crown
R is for rain which falls on the ground
S is for school where we go every day
T is for toys with which we play
U is for umbrella which keeps us dry
V is for vegetables we eat with meat pie
W is for winter with cold, dark nights
X is for Xmas tree, glowing with lights
Y is for yacht I go sailing with you
Z is for zebra which lives in the zoo
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