Aspire to Inspire – On a Journey with Educo – Milano 19 febbraio 2018

ASPIRE TO INSPIRE – ON A JOURNEY WITH EDUCO è un seminario di formazione, gratuito, rivolto a docenti di lingua inglese di scuole pubbliche, paritarie e private di ogni ordine e grado in programma per il prossimo 19 febbraio a Milano.
La partecipazione è gratuita.
Il seminario è a numero chiuso e l’iscrizione è obbligatoria.
EDUCO è una cooperativa accreditata dal MIUR per la formazione docenti (Direttiva 170/2016).
Questa iniziativa è inserita su S.O.F.I.A., il Sistema Operativo per la Formazione e le Iniziative di Aggiornamento predisposta dal MIUR. Ci si può iscrivere inviando una mail a o su , per ottenere l’attestazione di frequenza tramite S.O.F.I.A. i docenti interessati dovranno provvedere a iscriversi anche sulla piattaforma entro il 16/02/2018 (cod. iniziativa 7179 – cod. edizione 13266).


8:30 – 9:00Registration
9:00 – 9:45Prove tecniche di comunicazione con il pianeta degli adolescenti by prof. Dell’Oro
9:45 – 10:45Plenary: the secrets of the pronunciation of English by Professor Ray Parker
10:45 – 11:00Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:00Clil by Roberta Pugliese
12:00 – 13:00Trinity Stars: Young Performers in English Awards by teacher Trainer Anna Bennett
13:00 – 14:30Lunch Break
14:30 – 16:30English through Drama by Educo Artistic Director Romina Tappi and her staff
16:30bye bye


Francesco Dell’Oro è nato a Lecco nel dicembre del 1946.
Da molti anni è conosciuto e richiesto soprattutto nella città di Milano, ma anche in Provincia e in alcune Regioni italiane per i suoi interventi di formazione (conferenze, incontri in classe…) e di consulenza (colloqui individuali…) rivolti agli studenti. Ha pubblicato con la casa editrice Urra – Feltrinelli: “Cercasi scuola disperatamente” (aprile 2012) e “La scuola di Lucignolo – Le ragioni del disagio scolastico e come aiutare i nostri ragazzi a superarlo” (aprile 2014). È stato recentemente pubblicato un nuovo libro con la casa editrice Tralerighe: “Tutta un’altra classe – Alla ricerca di una scuola alla rovescia” (aprile 2017). È autore di diversi articoli sui temi e le problematiche scolastiche. Alcuni apparsi sull’inserto “La lettura” del Corriere della Sera”. Dal mese di aprile 2014 lavora come libero professionista. Sempre nel campo dell’orientamento scolastico con le sue conferenze, gli incontri in classe, e i colloqui rivolti agli studenti delle scuole secondarie di primo e di secondo grado.

Ray Parker: English Language Teaching Consultant
Ray has been involved in English Language Teaching since graduating in Hispanic Studies in the late 60’s. The bulk of his time is now devoted to teacher education and training teacher trainers. He has taught, trained and examined teachers in 34 countries and co-authored a well-known teachers’ textbook on the phonology and pronunciation of English and a course book published in Italy. In his career he has been teacher, Director of Studies, College Principal, Senior Lecturer, Director of Language Examinations, Inspector of English Language Schools and consultant. His focus now lies with teacher training and ELT project management with a particular interest in in-service professional development for non-native English speaking teachers and in the development of confidence about English Language systems in native speaker teachers. Recent years have seen him helping to manage and deliver major teacher training initiatives in Africa and Asia.


Ray will do his best to reveal the secret of successful English language pronunciation learning and teaching! The good news is that this is not technical or complicated. He will quickly establish with you the typical components of an English language pronunciation syllabus and then discuss with you the order in which we might want to teach these elements and the relative priorities that they deserve.
He will then go on to clarify the important connection in English between grammar and pronunciation with a particular focus on the grammatically determined role of stress in normal speech.
This will lead to a consideration of some of the differences between a stress-timed language like English and a syllable-timed language like Italian.
He’ll go on to discuss and, if possible demonstrate some teaching techniques and awareness-raising procedures which can usefully be integrated into everyday lessons.
In summary, he will be describing a simple but neglected aspect of the pronunciation of English which will have long-term benefits for learners and future users of English both in terms of their pronunciation but also – as an important bonus – improving their listening confidence.

Roberta Pugliese: Dirigente Scolastico
Roberta Pugliese, currently a headmistress at an Upper Secondary school in Lombardy – IIS Tassara-Ghislandi, Breno – has been involved in the teacher training field since 2001 working for the Italian Ministry of Education at Lombardy Education Authority in Milan. She has taken part in different projects organized at international level and has also collaborated with several universities and publishing houses.
She is co-author of an English textbook for upper secondary schools and writer of articles about methodological issues.


“The CLIL CHALLENGE” – Where does the challenge lie in the CLIL classroom?
Starting with the basics of CLIL, the lecture will point out a number of features which make the CLIL classroom at once highly challenging and rewarding. Thus the talk will cover the main features of CLIL and the strategies the CLIL teacher needs to master in a CLIL class.

ANNA BENNETT: Academic Team for Trinity College London
Anna Bennett was born in Nottingham, England, and graduated from Staffordshire University. She is an experienced Teacher and Teacher Trainer working in both the state and private sector and institutions in Italy and the UK. She is a member of the Academic Team for Trinity College London in Italy. Her main interests are teaching strategies and classroom management in young learner classes. Anna is a member of EALTA and The College of Teachers.


Perché Trinity Stars? Benefici per docenti e bambini

  • Incoraggia la cooperazione, l’interazione e la comunicazione in inglese;
  • Permette di insegnare in modo olistico includendo lingua, emozioni, immaginazione, intuizione, memoria, azione e leadership;
  • Dà ai bambini un senso di appagamento e di soddisfazione; tali esperienze positive stimolano l’apprendimento linguistico;
  • Fornisce supporto e formazione ai docenti.

Romina Tappi: Educo Artistic Director
Romina has been the Artistic Director of THEATRINO for the last 17 years and a Teacher Trainer for just as long. As a graduate of the School of Creative Arts, Wollongong University (Australia) her training and skill set has been put to good use, working both behind the scenes and centre stage under the spot light. Born in Italy but growing up in Australia, Romina brings a bilingual conversion of culture to the mix, with a work history in theatre, tv, radio, music performance and drama teaching. During her time in Italy, she’s written 10 variations of popular fairytales with original scores and songs, not to mention hundreds of theatrical sketches, workshops and didactic materials for actors, tutors and teachers. She’s trained thousands of facilitators including; tutors and camp directors for English summer camps; actors from around the globe for TIE tours; teachers of English in various countries from all scholastic levels. She’s been invited to speak at numerous ESL conferences over the years and has been directly involved in both European and International projects with Italian students and teachers. Aspire to Inspire has always been her motto!


EDUCO’s methodology follows the theories (and results) of many accredited linguists and classroom practitioners. This workshop will explore these theories using scripts, songs and drama based language activities, with emotions as the engine and drama techniques as the vehicle.
Using Educo’s holistic approach to learning, TEATRINO has for many years entertained and motivated students through TIE. TEATRINO puts into practice the theory that second language teaching should focus on encouraging ‘natural’ acquisition and providing input that emotionally stimulates the learner. The experience is memorable because the students are emotionally involved and having fun! With TEATRINO students acquire the linguistic skills they need for communication without realizing they are learning.
Drama is a learning medium rooted in a child’s experience of play and has a fundamental and valid place as a powerful ESL teaching tool. Educational practices and developments are definitely a ‘work in progress’, so lose your inhibitions, have fun, and Aspire to Inspire!

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